Pressure washing
Coupled with a chemical treatment it is ideal for hard flat surfaces leaving a freshly poured appearance.
Washing Services
While there's no shortage of part timers in Baton Rouge offering "Pressure Washing", they don't always utilize the best equipment, and many skip the critical step of pre and post treatment with chemicals that help break down the dirt and grime that are embedded into concrete and other flatwork.
Grime, dirt, vehicle traffic and more can quickly degrade your concrete surfaces and give a fairly new property an old appearance. While we in Louisiana are no strangers to pressure washing with almost everyone owning one there is no replacement for the professional equipment utilized by AquaStream. Say Goodbye to those lines and swirls left by DIY jobs and part timers!
We utilize Industrial wide pass rotary cleaners similar to a lawnmower to quickly and efficiently restore your concrete and sidewalks to a freshly poured appearance. Nothing brightens a property like fresh concrete and nothing provides that better than AquaStream.



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